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A cruise on board the "Santa Susanna"
In Italiano

A sturdy schooner, 100 tons, 25 meters long, with a 350 HP diesel engine, and lots of sail. At a cruising speed of 8 Knots, it has a 200 hour range. It has a 5000 liters fresh water tank, three refrigerators, so that you can have everything you need, a restaurant-like kitchen and a galley, where the first thing you see, is your favourite wine.
You will learn how to use all the instruments for a safe navigation.
SANTA SUSANNA can accomodate 16 people in 4 double cabins and in 2 four berth cabins, with three bathrooms with hot water bath tub and shower.
The crew is at prow in 5 separate berths with toilettes, the skipper and the "guide" have 2 single cabins with toilets astern.
A large hall will be a comfortable meeting point for a drink and for some relaxing reading.

  - Technical organization: Compagnia delle Eolie
- Licence granted by the Lipari District Shipping Office
- Authorization requested to the Sicily Region
- Insurance: Prudential A.G. Carta 90 - Via del Viminale - Roma
Microdata S.r.l. unipersonale - Via Napoleone Colajanni 165 - 97100 Ragusa
C.F/ P. IVA 01062070881 - CCIAA di Ragusa R.E.A. n.91866 - Cap. soc.€ 10.452,00 I.V.